Category Archives: Impact

Impact of the project

  • For industial partners (IXIADE and THESAME) and clusters:
    • Better understanding of ACAP issues for SMES
    • Maturity measurement tool that can help to select SMEs for innovative programs (Thesame)
    • Modelisation tools to identify ACAP best practices
      • These maturity and modelisation tools will be under the University of Grenoble copyright


ACAP modeling tool

All internal actors of a process use the serious role-playing simulation/modelisation tool in order to collectively elaborate the description of their activities.


ISEA Method is based on the traditional BPM life cycle, but introduces four original phases: Identification, Simulation, Evaluation, Amelioration.


It is a collaborative BPM method which incorporates a serious role-playing simulation game. A Collaborative Approach defined and designed using user-centered experiments. ISEA method is particularly useful for existing business processes.